Review and inspect lot
Inspect images
Have you found the whisky of your dreams? All the characteristics are correct? Then it's time for a close inspection of the pictures. Pay attention to the seal, the filling level of the bottle, any damages and important characteristics such as specific cask numbers.
On our platform, we have set strict requirements for the photography of bottles. Sellers are obliged to include certain photos. These include at least an overview photo, a photo of the filling level and seal and a photo of the bottom of the bottle. Any damage must also be clearly visible.
For you as a buyer, it is important that you look at these things before you make a bid.
In the detailed view of a lot, you can move your mouse over the picture. A window will automatically appear, displaying the photograph full-size. This should be large enough to see all the important details. Make use of this!
Background research
If you are familiar with a bottle, you can quickly make a bid. But what if you don't know the bottle, but - based on the pictures - you do want it? We advise you to first search the internet for information so that you can be sure you are making the right choice.
There is a lot of information on the internet. To get you started, we have compiled a list of interesting links for you. These are websites where you can find a lot of information about the distilleries and their whiskies.
Ask, if you feel the urge...
A picture is worth a thousand words. But no matter how beautiful the picture is, you may still have some questions... Fortunately, we have a solution for this. On the details page of a lot we have placed a small contact form. If you ask a question here, it will be delivered directly to the seller of the bottle.
Please note: the seller is not obliged to answer, but will generally do so, because it increases the chances of successful selling.